Taking Care of Your New Asphalt Paving

Home 9 Commercial Paving 9 Taking Care of Your New Asphalt Paving

Asphalt is a great residential paving solution for homeowners because it offers many benefits. It gives you high strength and durability that will last years, is more cost-effective than other materials, and offers you versatility with placement. Much like any other features of your property, maintenance will lengthen its lifespan and ensure your paving is a worthwhile investment for years to come.

Because it is such a strong substance, many people assume that any additional care is completely unnecessary. But this misconception can lead to serious deterioration, which may even lead to you having to redo your paving.

Therefore, we always encourage our clients to follow this maintenance guide to preserve their asphalt.

Take Note of Professional Advice 

Homeowners are urged to follow any asphalt maintenance advice from their contractors because it can help reduce cracking, impressions, and even potholes. One of the most important things we try to reinforce is that you should not park on your new asphalt for at least a few days.

There is no specific way to say how long, as it can also depend on the weather. Hot weather makes your asphalt much softer, making it easier for impressions to form. Cooler weather is ideal for the setting.

Clean Up Quickly 

Oil spills, debris, and other liquids can seem insignificant when dropped on your new asphalt. You may be under the impression that it will only cause a stain, but it increases moisture levels which is not ideal for long-term durability.

Additionally, grass trimmings left over your paving can lead to seeds falling between small cracks and growing. Cleaning up quickly can be a nuisance but will ensure your asphalt lasts for years.

Call the Professionals in Time 

No matter how much care you put into your new asphalt paving, sometimes adverse weather conditions can cause cracks much more quickly than anticipated. Regularly inspecting your property can help you identify small cracks.

When you notice these forming, you must call the professionals to fill them up before they become bigger and harder to correct.

Protecting your residential paving and driveway is not only a financially sensible idea, but it can also reduce the stress of having to redo it in the future due to poor maintenance.

When you need paving solutions, give us a call at Central Park Paving for exceptional work and affordable pricing.